How To: Student Email
How to get a Student Email Account
When you register as a student at Bakersfield College, you will receive a student email account hosted through Google Gmail. All correspondence with faculty and service departments needs to be through your BC student email account.
How to Activate Student Email
When you submitted your application, after clicking Sign Out & Finish, you click continue and then click Activate Your College Account. You will receive an email at the email you provided.
Didn't Activate your Account?
Accidentally exit your application before activating your account? Activate your account now.
How to Access your Student Email
- Log in to the student portal “InsideBC” (more about InsideBC). The link is found at the top left of the Bakersfield College website in the black
You will also find the InsideBC link (student account) on the Current Student page. - In the top right of InsideBC, click the “email” link.
- This will take you to your student email in Google Gmail.

Email Tips
- Check your BC Email account regularly, this is the primary way we contact you.
- Use your BC Email account to contact student services. We may not be able to answer you at another email address.
- Add your BC Email account to your phone or mobile device.