How To: Update Form
Updated 2/28/2022
Every semester you will need to submit an Update Form before being allowed to register for classes. Even if nothing has changed, you will still need to submit the Update Form. For example, if you were a new student in Fall, you will have to complete an Update Form later during the Fall semester before you can register for Spring.
Click MyBanWeb menu dropdown at the top.
Select Update Form.
Campus and Term
Select the term.
Where should we contact you?
Check that your information is correct.
Check that your information is correct and that nothing changed from the last time that you filled out an update form.
Voter Registration Information
As a US citizen and California resident, you may be eligible to register to vote. If you have recently moved, you may need to re-register to vote.
Your Educational Experience and Goals
Check that your information is correct. This section may need more information. If you have graduated from high school, check that you have earned a diploma or degree, it may request the year again.
A Bit More About Yourself
Check that your information is correct and that nothing changed from the last time that you filled out an update form. For instance, receiving assistance or military status can change. In addition, questions may have been added to this section since the last time you completed the Update Form. Certain questions may affect your registration date and time.
Student Rep Fee
"Yes" is the default.
Privacy Information
You have the right to ask us not to share directory information by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If you do not authorize us to share your directory information, we will not be able to publish your name on the honor roll, acknowledge your participation in athletic teams or confirm your attendance without your prior written approval.
Read this part carefully to understand what you are agreeing to. Among verifying your information is correct, you are also agreeing to the District Privacy Policy and the Kern Community College District's Computing and Network Use Policy.
Click Submit Application
Now, you may register for classes.