Early College Opportunities at Kern Valley High School


Industrial Automation Pathway

Bakersfield College Dual Enrollment Course

ELET B1A Basic Electronics (DC)

ELET B3 Programmable Logic Controllers

ELET B4 Computer Integrated Manufacturing

ELET B58 Adv Programmable Logic Controllers

Certificate Pathways

Dual Enrollment Opportunities

  • ELET B1A Basic Electronics (DC)
  • ELET B3 Programmable Logic Controllers
  • ELET B4 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  • ELET B58 Adv Programmable Logic Controllers
  • AGRI B5 Leadership in Agriculture
  • ANSC B1 Introduction to Animal Science
  • ORNH B36 Beginning Floral Design
  • MCAG B2 Introduction to Mechanized Agriculture


Kern Valley High School

For more information, contact the KHSD team at earlycollege@kernhigh.org, call (760) 379-2611 or visit Kern Valley High School.

Bakersfield College

For more information, email earlycollege@bakersfieldcollege.edu.