Bakersfield College offers academic support services to help you achieve your education
goals. We support you through tutoring and labs through technology, peers, and experienced
professional staff.
Academic Support
Whether you need a math refresher for planned transfer-level math classes, or support
for current math classes, the Math Learning Center is here to support you with your
math skills.
The Student Success Lab offers lab courses designed to lead you to college level courses
in a variety of academic disciplines. An excellent way to grow your skills in reading,
writing, math and more.
The Tutoring Center offers 50-minute appointments and 15-minute drop-in services in
various subjects in multiple locations. This service is FREE to BC students.
The Writing Center offers one-on-one appointments with professional Writing Consultants
to BC registered students. They can help you with every step of the writing process,
different styles of writing (MLA, APA, etc.), papers for classes, resumes, scholarship
letters, revising and editing, and more.
Courses with Labs
Did you know that some Bakersfield College courses come with a lab? If you are not
strong in a subject and expect you could use supplemental instruction during the course,
look for an “L” after the course number. Here are a few courses with labs to look
for in the class schedule:
- ENGLB1AL – Expository Composition with Supplemental Instruction
- MATHB1AL – Precalculus I with Lab
- MATHB22L – Elementary Probability and Statistics with Lab