Tutoring Center is Open! All Tutoring Center locations are available and ready to help you succeed in your academic journey. Light bulb moments happen every day in the Tutoring Center. Let today be your day!

Request Tutoring

About Tutoring

Bakersfield College's Tutoring Centers are a proven student success service that provides FREE tutoring both in-person and online to all currently enrolled Bakersfield College Students. Our one-on-one peer tutors, who are recommended to us by your Faculty and trained in a CRLA-certified course, are ready to assist you in nearly every subject. Services we provide include general academic skills building, assistance with course content, assignments, and required papers (at any stage of the writing process). Services are available through drop-in or by scheduling an in-person or online appointment in advance.

The Tutoring Center's peer tutors, staff, and faculty look forward to meeting you and making your time in the Tutoring Center a successful and rewarding experience.


The Bakersfield College Tutoring Center is a welcoming space that provides trained and knowledgeable peer tutors who strive to support, encourage, and uphold academic excellence, reduce barriers, and increase retention in the student journey.

Tutoring Hours by Location

CSS building second floor entrance
Panorama Campus

Phone: (661) 395-4050
Location: CSS 203

  • Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM-8:00PM
  • Friday: 9:00AM-12:00PM
  • Weekends: CLOSED
delano learning center main entrance
Delano Campus

Phone: (661) 720-2076
Location: Learning Resource Center (LRC) 130

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10:00AM-6:00PM
  • Tuesday: 10:00AM-8:00PM
  • Friday: 9:00AM-12:00PM
  • Weekends: CLOSED
bc southwest view from side street
Southwest Campus

Phone: (661) 541-1502
Location: RM 120

  • Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM-8:00PM
  • Friday: 9:00AM-12:00PM
  • Weekends: CLOSED
arvin learining center main entrance
Arvin Campus

Phone: (661) 541-1716
Location: Arvin Education Center

  • Monday-Thursday: 8:30AM-5:30PM
  • Friday: 9:00AM-12:00PM
  • Weekends: CLOSED
woman viewing a laptop computer

Phone: (661) 395-4430
Location: Zoom

  • Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM-8:00PM
  • Friday: 9:00AM-12:00PM
  • Weekends: CLOSED

Other Resources

Contact Us

Email: onlinetutoring@bakersfieldcollege.edu

Phone: (661) 395-4430

  • Press 1 for Panorama Campus or online
  • Press 2 for SouthWest Campus
  • Press 3 for Delano Learning Center

NetTutor is Available

If the Tutoring Center is unavailable, you still have free access to tutors with NetTutor. Just go to any course you are taking in Canvas and look at the left side menu. Click "NetTutor," the rest is user-friendly.

It's live tutoring just like a Zoom session.

  • Available evenings, weekends, and holidays
  • No time limit on session
  • No limit on number of times you can use it
  • Tutoring in 35 subjects