Personal and Career Exploration Pathway

The Personal and Career Exploration (PCE) Pathway is designed to provide additional assistance to all students at Bakersfield College who have not yet declared a major.
- AA-TAssociate in Arts for Transfer
- AS-TAssociate in Science for Transfer
- AAAssociate of Arts
- ASAssociate of Science
- BSBachelor of Science
- COACertificate of Achievement
- COCPCertificate of Competency
- COCMCertificate of Completion
- JSCJob Skills Certificate

About the PCE Pathway
The Personal and Career Exploration Pathway is designed to provide additional assistance to all students at Bakersfield College who have not yet declared a major. Deciding on a course of study that's right for you can be difficult. We have identified three main reasons that students have not declared their major:
- You may still be unsure about what you are good at and what fields you might enjoy working in.
- You may know what interests you, but be unsure about the careers that align with those interested or what education is needed to successfully get a job in that industry.
- You may know exactly where you're headed and what major you want, but have not gone through the process to formally declare your major here at BC.
No matter the reason, we are here to help you learn about yourself, explore your options, and make the best decision for your future.
We have a community of specialists in the Personal and Career Exploration Learning and Career Pathway ready to help you with your specific needs to complete your goals. There are faculty, counselors, and staff that understand your program and goals for specialized support in your program academics, counseling, and in the writing center.
Directory of Completion Coaches
Steps for Success
Step 1: Learn about Yourself!
Strong Interest Inventory
Take an in-depth Strong Interest Inventory that provides feedback to help you better understand yourself and feel confident in the decisions your education decisions.
Set up your appointment with the Counseling office by calling (661) 395-4421.
O*Net Interest Profiler
If you're unable to make it to campus for a full assessment, the O*NET Interest Profiler is a good place to start. Take this online survey to help you better understand careers that fit well with your natural strengths. Take the assessment from home, with O*NET Interest Profiler.
Step 2: Explore Careers That Fit You!
Set aside time to research careers that interest you and the education needed to be hired in the industry. Answer these questions:
- Does the career require an Associate's Degree or a Bachelor's Degree?
- Does it require on-the-job experience, such as an internship, in addition to a degree?
- How much does the career pay?
- What are the benefits and drawbacks?
To get started learning more about careers, visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Step 3: Declare your Major!
The biggest step you can make towards future you want is to declare your major. Declaring your major enables you to create your Comprehensive Academic Plan. This plan maps the correct classes for your pathway to graduation! In addition, Faculty and Staff from your new Learning & Career Pathway will provide support tailored for your area of study.
To declare your major, download and complete the Major Declaration Form, then print it out and drop it off in the Counseling Office. Forms are also available to pick up and complete in-person at the Counseling Office.
Not sure where to start? Let us help.
Meet with a Counselor
Take the right classes to meet your education and career goals. Create your Comprehensive
Student Education Plan (CSEP) with your Counselor or Ed. Advisor.
Call (661) 395-4421.
Not sure about your career path?
Take the career quiz to discover the perfect career based on your personality type and interests.