Pre-Veterinary Medicine Option

Kern County is the third-largest county in California and has a diverse range of animals that require veterinary care. The county has a large agricultural industry, including dairy farms, livestock operations, and orchards, which rely on veterinarians for animal health and welfare.

In addition to the agricultural industry, Kern County has a large pet population, which requires veterinary care for routine check-ups, vaccinations, and treatments for various ailments. The county also has several animal rescue organizations, wildlife rehabilitation centers, and zoological parks that employ veterinarians to care for animals.

Moreover, Kern County is a transportation hub, with a major airport and several highways that run through the area, making it a crucial location for veterinary public health and disease control.

The need for veterinarians in Kern County is likely to remain strong due to the large and diverse animal population in the area and the importance of animal health and welfare for the agricultural industry and public health.

Registered Veterinary Technician Certificate

What is a Pre-Veterinary Medicine Program?

Pre-veterinary medicine is an undergraduate program of study designed to prepare students for admission to veterinary school. It typically involves a rigorous course load of science and math classes, including biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus, along with courses in animal science, genetics, and other related fields.

Pre-veterinary students may also be required to gain experience working with animals through internships, volunteer work, or other hands-on opportunities. This can include working at a veterinary clinic or animal shelter, assisting with research projects, or participating in animal husbandry activities.

The goal of a pre-veterinary program is to provide students with the necessary academic preparation and practical experience to gain admission to a veterinary school. Once accepted, students will undergo additional education and training in veterinary medicine, which typically takes another four years to complete.

Overall, pre-veterinary medicine is a challenging and demanding program of study that requires a strong academic background, a passion for animals, and a commitment to pursuing a career in veterinary medicine.

Is Veterinary Medicine right for me?

To be successful in veterinary medicine, a student should have a strong interest in and passion for animals. They should be patient, compassionate, and able to handle animals with care, even in challenging or stressful situations.

In addition, a student pursuing veterinary medicine should have a strong academic background in science, particularly biology, chemistry, and anatomy. Good problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and the ability to think critically are also important.

Veterinary medicine can be physically and emotionally demanding, so a student should be able to handle the rigor of the program and the demands of the profession. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are also important, as veterinarians often work closely with pet owners and other veterinary professionals.

Overall, a successful veterinary student should have a combination of a passion for animals, strong scientific and academic skills, and the ability to handle the physical and emotional demands of the profession.

Pre-Veterinary Medicine Option

At this time, Bakersfield College does not have a pre-veterinary program. However, we can help you prepare for veterinary school or prepare you for transfer to a 4-year university that does have a pre-veterinary program. Meet with a Counselor to discuss your options and develop a Comprehensive Student Education Plan to achieve your goals.

Exploring Further

We recommend that you explore to UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and Western University School of Health Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine for the current program information. This will help you prepare to meet with a counselor and have your questions ready.

Transfer Pathways

See your Counselor and/or a Transfer Specialist for specific questions, options, and opportunities.

Pre-Veterinary Medicine Department and Pathway

Academic Department: Agriculture

Career & Learning Pathway: Agriculture, Nutrition, and Culinary Arts

Getting Started

The first step is to apply to BC and Financial Aid. See How to Enroll.

Ensure you are taking the right classes to meet your education and/or career goals, meet with one of the counselors or advisors to create your Comprehensive Student Education Plan (CSEP).