Agriculture Nutrition and Culinary Arts Pathway Support

The Agriculture, Nutrition, and Culinary Arts (ANCA) Pathway provides a large variety of exciting degree options that will lead to many in-demand careers. The focus of this pathway is to learn while doing by offering courses designed for students to have hands-on experience, develop problem-solving skills, and provide industry standard experience.
Students can earn a variety of industry accepted certificates of achievement and associates degrees for students who want to enter the workforce directly from Bakersfield College. This pathway also prepares students who desire to continue their education at a four-year university. Through education and experience learned in agriculture, nutrition, and culinary arts courses we can help produce a better world, healthier lives, and improve social concerns related to sustainable agriculture, food systems, healthy communities, and the environment.
Help Along Your Path
A community of faculty, counselors, and staff specialists in the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Culinary Arts Pathway ready to help you with your specific needs and specialized support for your program academics, counseling, and writing.
Program Map Agriculture, Nutrition, and Culinary Arts
Find Program Learning Outcomes and detailed career outlook statistics for each of the programs of study in this Learning and Career Pathway.
For information about career outlooks in any field, visit the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Steps for Success
- Know Your Career Goals - If you need help in this area, contact the ANC counselor or advisor to see what types of career options sound most appealing to you. They can help you find a pathway to meet your career goals.
- Seek help from a counselor or advisor in the Agriculture, Nutrition and Culinary Arts pathway or within your degree pathway as soon as possible - You will be more successful in completing your degree on time if you take just the courses you need.
- Take 15 units per semester if possible - Always start with math and English courses the first year to get them out of the way. The longer you drag out your education, the longer it takes to start your career.
- Once you have chosen your major and signed up for your math and English courses, then obtain a Student Education Plan (SEP) Pathway Guide - This guide will help you decide what courses you need to take each semester. Also, talk to professors within your degree pathway to see what semester they are offering the mandatory major's courses within your pathway. Some courses are only offered once every 2 years, so take those first.
- Form contacts with peers and professors - Research demonstrates that being engaged with others is a strong predictor of success.
Not sure where to start? Let us help.
Meet with a Counselor
Take the right classes to meet your education and career goals. Create your Comprehensive
Student Education Plan (CSEP) with your Counselor or Ed. Advisor.
Call (661) 395-4421.
Not sure about your career path?
Take the career quiz to discover the perfect career based on your personality type and interests.