This section contains the Bakersfield College President's welcome message about the decision-making document; the College's Mission, Vision, and Values; the assumptions behind our decision-making processes; and our participatory governance philosophy.

President's Message

2010 President's Message from Greg Chamberlain

Mission, Vision, Values

Bakersfield College's Mission, Vision, and Values are posted on the main BC website in the About BC section.


This document will continue to change and improve based upon feedback from the college community through scheduled evaluations and other opportunities for input and/or recommendations.

The decision-making process outlined in this document was created based on the following assumptions:

  • The college governance structure, including campus leadership and committees, will leverage planning processes (e.g. strategic plan, educational master plan, and annual goals) to improve institutional effectiveness.
  • The decision-making process at Bakersfield College is based on the principles of transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness.
  • Recommendations and decisions are well communicated throughout the campus community. Employees will be active in reading these communications and will ask questions, seek clarification, and provide feedback to engage in continual dialog that strengthens the decision- making process.
  • The decision-making process requires ongoing professional development to help employees understand how they can participate in that process at a variety of levels.
  • The decision-making process will be refined over time and its effectiveness assessed with the intent to provide continuous improvement to the quality of teaching, learning, and service to students.
  • The decision-making process is documented in an easy to understand, functional format.
  • All decisions are based on data informed recommendations that are designed to enhance instructional and student services.
  • Consensus means that there is general, though not necessarily unanimous, agreement.

Bakersfield College Participatory Governance Philosophy

Bakersfield College values an open and reflective participatory governance process where our collective commitment to meeting student and community needs drives our decisions. By participatory governance, we mean that all constituent groups will be given the opportunity to participate effectively in all areas where they are significantly affected, in a manner that is consistent with Education Code, Title 5 and Board Policy. This process is dependent upon establishing clear lines of communication before and after decisions are made, using qualitative and quantitative data when providing recommendations or input, and demonstrating respect and civility in discourse.