2015 Decision Making Document: Consultation Process
This section describes the laws and code of regulations that ground our decisions. The first part gives the narrative for the Laws, Regulations and Policy. The second part gives the narrative for the Legislative Bodies. The third part gives the narrative for the Executive Support. The last part is a graphic summarizing all of the parts of our Consultation Process
Consultation Process
Bakersfield College’s decision-making process is grounded in California law and code of regulations. These laws and regulations mandate that local decisions and processes are based on the consultation process established by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors. In other words, well- informed recommendations and input from all affected parties, namely faculty, staff, administrators and students, must be considered to ensure the development and review of effective local policies. Described below are these laws, regulations and policies as well as the entities that establish and support them:
Laws, Regulations and Policy
- The body of law that regulates education, including the California Community Colleges, is the California Education Code. It can be changed only through legislation and always supersedes Title 5 regulation. The participatory governance section, in particular, was amended by Assembly Bill 1725 (AB1725) in 1988.
- Title 5, which is part of the California Code of Regulations (Division 6), is derived from California Education Code and promulgated by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors. Though not law per se, Title 5 is regulation with the force of law.
- Kern Community College District Board of Trustees Board Policy represents statements that prescribe in general terms the organization and operation of the college. Board policy, which includes procedures, indicates the manner in which the college business will be conducted and establishes parameters for making decisions. While policy and procedures are developed at the local level, they must not be inconsistent with the minimum standards of Title 5 or California Education Code.
Legislative Bodies
- The California State Legislature4 is the body that creates laws that shape the California Education Code.
- Establishing the "minimum standards" of policy for the California Community Colleges is the Board of Governors, which also oversees the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.
- Among many other activities that help maintain, govern, and operate Bakersfield College, the Kern Community College District Board of Trustees (KCCD Board of Trustees), establishes and reviews local board policy for Bakersfield College and ensures that this policy is created and reviewed pursuant to the California Education Code and Title 5.
Executive Support
- Providing non-partisan fiscal and policy advice to the State Legislature is the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO). The area of education represents only one portion of all the major policy issues confronting the legislature.
- The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) provides statewide "leadership, advocacy and support" for the system of California Community Colleges and communicates with local chancellors' offices to help implement changes to the law and regulations.
- The Kern Community College District Chancellor’s Office is governed by and acts as an administrative agent of the KCCD Board of Trustees and provides local leadership, advocacy, and support for all three colleges in the district.
Consultation Chart