Workshop Request Template for Students

  1. Copy and paste the information below into an email using your BC email account.
  2. Replace all information in bold with your personal information.
  3. Title you email "Workshop Request"
  4. From you BC email address, send the email to
  5. Call the Writing Center at 661-395-4735 if you have any questions!

Greetings Writing Center staff,

My name is (First name Last name), and my student ID number is (@12345678). I would like to request access to the Writing Center’s Canvas, so I can complete one or more workshops this term, please. The class for which I am taking the workshops is: (course name ex: ENGL B1a) taught by (Professor's Name). I understand that by completing at least one workshop, I am electing to participate in the Writing Center’s services. I acknowledge that by utilizing Writing Center services, I know I will be automatically enrolled in the Writing Center’s support course: ACDV B86 NC - Writing Center Support. I am aware that this is a non-credit academic support service with no tuition cost, no textbooks, and no requirement to continue participating or attending. I also know I can call the Writing Center at 661-395-4735 if I have any questions about my enrollment in ACDV B86NC.

Kind regards,

(First and Last name)