Getting Started

Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS) Faculty and Staff welcome you to Bakersfield College and DSPS. Bakersfield College is one of the finest higher educational institutions that you will find. You have made a wise choice. Our hope is that your time here will be enjoyable and productive.

If you are a student with a disability, you have unique educational needs that may require special assistance. At Bakersfield College, we understand and are sensitive to that. We believe that you will find the entire Bakersfield College community ready to work with you to help you realize your personal, academic, and career goals.

Finally, please don't hesitate to contact us in DSPS if you have a question. The main DSPS Office is located in the Center for Student Success building and can be reached by phone at (661) 395-4334.

You have our best and heartfelt wishes for your success at Bakersfield College.

BC DSPS Student Information Handbook

BC DSPS Fact Sheet

New Students

If you are a student who has not previously enrolled in the DSPS program you will complete this outlined Application, Verification, Accommodation (A.V.A) process.


Complete the DSPS Packet Request Form. NOTE: Your BC email address is required when requesting a packet.

As a new student, there are 2 application options, (1) New Student Intake Packet or (2) Dual-Concurrent Enrollment Student Intake Packet. If you are a current high school student you will choose the Dual-Concurrent Enrollment packet. If you are not a current high school student you can choose the Dual-Concurrent Enrollment packet if you would like a parent or sibling present during your communications with DSPS staff or counselors.

Once you have chosen your packet and submitted your request, you will receive an automatic email reply containing a link to your intake packet. The packet will open as an Adobe Form, where you can begin entering your information. Do not print this form! After filling out all required fields, you will need to enter your email address to sign the packet. Adobe will send you a confirmation email asking you to confirm your signature. You must confirm your signature in order to submit your packet to the DSPS office.


DSPS requires disability verification after your application has been completed. Documents can be submitted confidentially through Kern File Express or in person at the DSPS office, BC Main Campus CSS-11, during normal business hours. Examples of acceptable documents include but are not limited to a:  IEP/504 from high school, medical records from your online access, a letter from a treating physician, treatment plans, medication labels related to a diagnosed disability, Department of Rehabilitation IPP, Veteran Services disability award letter, or a Social Security award letter. The DSPS office can provide on-site verification on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any questions or need further assistance completing your DSPS packet connect with DSPS staff via Zoom Virtual Lobby. Normal business hours: 

  • Spring and Fall Semesters:
    • Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Fridays 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM
  • Summer Semester:
    • Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Fridays closed


After receiving your complete application and supporting disability documentation, a DSPS staff member will contact you to schedule a 1-hour intake appointment with a DSPS counselor. The intake appointment involves an interactive dialogue between the student and counselor to identify any barriers to learning you may be experiencing.

Returning Students

If you have enrolled for DSPS services in the past and have not met with a counselor in at least four (4) academic semesters, please complete the DSPS Packet Request Form and select the Returning Student Update Packet option. You should then contact the DSPS office by phone (661) 395-4334, email, or Zoom Virtual Lobby to book an appointment with a DSPS counselor.

Contact Us!

Phone: (661) 395-4334 (V/TTY) | Fax: (661) 395-4079 | | Location: Center for Student Success (CSS) 10