BC Faculty & Staff Resources
Accessibility Statement for Syllabi
Include the following statement, approved by the Bakersfield College Curriculum Committee, in your syllabus about accommodations:
Bakersfield College recognizes the importance and benefits of using technology to enhance student learning, especially as it helps students, faculty and staff communicate more effectively. Every effort will be made to ensure that the design of instructional material and activities for ALL classes taught at Bakersfield College, both face-to-face and at a distance, are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities.
DSPS Resources for Faculty
External Training Resources
See the Accessibility Training Resources for external training. Including step-by-step instructions to take advantage of the free training through the Vision Resource Center.
External Document Services
We do not currently have an internal document remediation service. Making documents accessible for the web site and the classroom is the responsibility of the department/staff/faculty providing the document. For complex documents or when you have numerous documents to make accessible, it may be more efficient to outsource the remediation of your PDF documents. The CCCCO recommends the vendors below. Services are at the expense of your department.
- Accessibility Oz
- Equidox
- Contact: Pat Needles (216) 767-5936
All media, including video and audio, must be captioned. Captions must be 99% accurate for the sounds and speech on all videos.
Captioning Your Own Material
See the Accessibility for Video and Audio Files for resources and training..
Captioning Purchased Media
No captions on a video you purchased? It must be captioned to use in any class. You must request permission from the copyright holder before it can be captioned. The process is can be long and it may be cheaper and easier to purchase a more modern video. The process for captioning purchased media is:
- Contact Kristin Rabe, Media Services for assistance with this process.
- Complete the Captioning Permission Request form and send to the copyright holder.
- Once permission is granted, Kristin will send to an outside vendor for captioning.
- Payment for captioning may be covered by the Distance Education Captioning and Transcription Grant (DECT), if your video does not qualify, your department will be charged for the captioning service.