Intersegmental Pathways Symposium
Bakersfield College Presents
Intersegmental Pathways Symposium:
Meeting California's 2030 Baccalaureate Completion Goals
Friday, November 15, 2019, Bakersfield College hosted an educational symposium in California's Central Valley to focus on statewide intersegmental pathways that enhance baccalaureate completion. We invited cross-functional Guided Pathways teams to this event where practice and policy met to advance the agenda of student completion!
Videos: Keynote Speakers and Panels

Bakersfield College serves over 37,000 students annually and we continue to grow, having seen a nearly 50 percent increase in enrollment in the past five years. Many of our students hail from our surrounding rural communities - some reaching as far as an hour away from our campus.
According to data reported by the California Department of Education, Kern County's baccalaureate attainment rates are roughly half the statewide rate. In rural service areas, fewer than three in every 100 residents holds a bachelor's degree or higher. Over 28 percent of those in BC's service area lack a high school diploma.
Low baccalaureate attainment rates in the Central Valley have a massive impact on the health of our communities. The per capita income in the area is among the lowest in California, at just $21,094 - well below the state average of $31,458. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the unemployment rate in Kern County well exceeds the national rate at 7.7% while nearly a quarter of residents live below the poverty line. In many of our service-area rural communities, residents experience poverty rates topping 35% and debilitating unemployment over double the national average.
Yet, beyond the borders of Kern County, there is a widely recognized shortage of educated workers in California. The Public Policy Institute of California has estimated that the state will have a shortfall of 1 million workers with bachelor's degrees by 2025.
I invite you to engage in this important dialogue. Together, we will blur the lines between our educational segments in the interest of student equity and completion. Together, we will catalyze policy solutions to the issues that affect our most vulnerable students so that our innovations can be scaled and sustained at all of our institutions across the state. Together, we will rise to meet the demand for more baccalaureate graduates by 2030.
- 7:30 AM: Breakfast & Fellowship
- 8:15 AM: Announcements
- 8:30 AM: Welcome and Featured Panels
- Welcome and Introductory Remarks
- Tom Burke: Chancellor, Kern Community College District
- Dr. Sonya Christian: President, Bakersfield College
- Lesley Bonds: Director of Student Success & Equity, Bakersfield College
- Dr. Craig Hayward: Dean of Organizational Effectiveness, Bakersfield College
- Panel #1: Pathways from High School to Community College
- Linda Collins: Executive Director, Career Ladders Project
- Dr. Kristin Clark: President, West Hills College Lemoore
- Dr. Lori Bennet: President, Clovis Community College
- Devin Tallon: Principal, Wasco High School; Early College
- Christian Chavez: KCCD Student Trustee, Porterville College
- Panel #2: Pathways from Community College to University
- Steven Holmes: President, Academic Senate Bakersfield College
- Dr. Joe Wyse: President, Shafter College
- Jackie Cruz: Vp of Advancement & Development, Hartnell College
- Noemi Donoso: Sr. Vice President, The Wonderful Company
- Welcome and Introductory Remarks
- 10:00 AM: Break
- 10:30 AM: Mid-morning topic and Featured Panels
- Strategies to Address Baccalaureate Attainment
- Dr. Sonya Christian: President, Bakersfield College
- Panel #3: Intersegmental Curricular Data Sharing
- Dr. Craig Hayward: Dean of Organizational Effectiveness, Bakersfield College
- Justin Derrick: Principal, McFarland High School
- Kris Grappendorf: Kinesiology Faculty, CSU Bakersfield
- Dr. Joanna Schilling: President, Cypress College
- Samantha Pulido: BCSGA President, Bakersfield College
- Panel #4: Effective Partnerships: Lessons from Presidents/Chancellors
- Dr. Joseph Jones: President, Fresno Pacific University
- Dr Wolde-Ab Isaac: Chancellor, Riverside Community College District
- Dr. Lynette Zelenzy: President, CSU Bakersfield
- Dr Gregg Camfield: Exec. Vice Chancellor and Provost, UC Merced
- Strategies to Address Baccalaureate Attainment
- 11:45 AM: Lunch
- 12:15 PM: Introduction and Key Note Panel
- Introductory Remarks to Key Note
- Mary Barlow: Superintendent of Schools, Kern County
- Dr. Sonya Christian: President, Bakersfield College
- Keynote Panel
- Assemblymember Rudy Salas: 32nd California Assembly District
- Eloy Oakley: Chancellor California Community Colleges
- Tony Thurmond: Supt. of Public Instruction, CA Dept. of Education
- Lande Ajose: Sr. Policy Advisor, Gov. Newsom's Administration
- Introductory Remarks to Key Note
- 2:30 PM: Closing Remarks
- Dr. Sonya Christian: President, Bakersfield College
Resources and Links
Symposium Sponsors and Partners
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