
Bakersfield College, located in California's agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley, has the history and resources to move Ag students in the right direction.
The Bakersfield College Agriculture Department first began in 1915, making this one of the first community college agriculture programs in the nation.
Since then, as it is now, Bakersfield College continues to educate students for a career in the agricultural industry and transfers many students to agricultural study programs at four year universities.
A few of Bakersfield Colleges Agricultural Departments great qualities:
- Bakersfield College is the leading community college agricultural program in the United States to send students to California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo is the leading four year agricultural studies university in California and ranked tenth in the United States.
- Bakersfield College's close interrelationship with the farming industry has helped to provide scholarships and grants to students interested in agriculture studies.
- Bakersfield College, based in one of the largest farming industry counties in the United States (Ranked 3rd), is able to provide hands-on knowledge to students taking agriculture study courses.
Phone: (661) 395-4013 | Location: Agriculture Building (AG), Horticulture Lab (HL), and Agricultural Laboratory (AL).
Department Chair: Heather Baltis | (661) 410-6951 | Office: AG 4
Pathway: Agriculture, Nutrition and Culinary Arts Pathway
Discover the Agriculture Program for You
Agriculture offers a variety of Associate Degrees, Certificates and courses to assist you on a career path in the world of Agriculture. Whether you are looking to advance in your current career, start your career, or begin on a path to a four-year degree, we offer programs to lead you in the right direction for AgriBusiness, Animal Science, Forestry and more.
The Ag Department holds the Garden Fest event each year at Renegade Park showcasing the talents of the BC students. A variety of plants are for sale and vendors are welcomed for an outdoor festival complete with food, drawings, entertainment and prizes.
Ag Club
The Ag club strives to promote Agriculture awareness and advancement in our world and on campus. We meet every other Tuesday in the Horticulture Lab on Bakersfield College's Panorama Campus.