Decision Making and Shared Governance at Bakersfield College

Shared Governance at Bakersfield College

Shared governance, sometimes referred to as participatory governance, is the mechanism whereby employees and students participate equitably and collegially in the decision-making processes of the College. The goal of shared governance is to include, within the decision-making processes, representatives of all college constituencies affected by these decisions. The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), the accrediting body for California community colleges, emphasizes the importance of involving faculty, staff, and students in institutional decision making.

Abbr. Shared Governance Type Examples Membership
AH Ad Hoc Committee - Appointed
AB Advisory Body College Council, Academic Senate Executive Board, CSEA Executive Board Appointed/ Elected/ Position
A Arm of the Senate Curriculum, Equivalency Appointed/ Position
DC District-Wide Committee DWBC, EEO, Accessibility Appointed/ Position
E Employee Organization CCA, CSEA, Management Association Elected
G Governance Body AS, SGA, CSEA Elected
OG Operational Group CBEIT, FCDC, GPS, CTE Advisory Committees, EAC, Catalog, Commencement, Student Concerns Appointed/ Position
SC Standing Committee AIQ, Assessment, PRC, EMC, ISIT, BAC, Budget, F&S, Safety, EODAC, Scholarship, PDC Appointed/ Position
TF Task Force AB 1705, AB 928, DE, Accessibility and ADA, Racial Climate Appointed/ Position
S Sub-committee SGA groups, CSEA groups, DEI Appointed/ Position
EP Enrichment Partner Foundation, Archives, Levan Center Appointed/ Position

The shared governance group types at Bakersfield College are defined as:

Ad Hoc Committee (AH):
Semi-permanent committees that are activated as needed to organize a specific program or activity.
Advisory Body (AB): A
group called to provide input to one individual by virtue of their position, such as College President, CSEA President, or Academic Senate President.
Arm of the Senate (A):
A standing committee of the Academic Senate that assumes the role and responsibility for a particular portion of the 10+1 academic and professional matters and/or Education Code/Title 5. Informs the Senate, makes recommendations, and communicates to the Vice President, President, and the Board of Trustees.
District-Wide Committee (DC):
Provide input and recommendations to the Chancellor who designates the chairs of the committees which include representatives from all three colleges and the district office.
Employee Organization (E):
Three formal Employee Groups may provide input or recommendations on working conditions. CCA represents faculty members, CSEA represents classified staff, and the Management Association represents managers.
Governance Body (G):
Provides recommendations to the President or designee. These groups take their authority from various legal documents, such as CA Education Code, Title 5, AB 1725 and SB 235.
Operational Group (OG):
Addresses the College’s operations, develops procedures for implementation, and provides input on improvements.
Standing Committee (SC):
Provides input on relevant issues through their representatives on governance body or College Council, with attention given to the specific rights and responsibilities of faculty 10+1 and student 9+1. All chairs of the standing committees are members of the Committee of Co-Chairs.
Task Force (TF):
Group appointed to research, address or recommend action regarding college topics within a specific timeframe (typically 2 years or less). A tangible product is the outcome of each task force. When the product is completed, the group is disbanded.
Sub-committees (S):
Appointed by the committee or council to investigate, review, and recommend solutions, procedures, and policies to the primary committee.
Enrichment Partners (EP):
These groups form a multifaceted network that contributes to the College’s mission and impact throughout the larger community. Their efforts support institutional excellence, community engagement, and financial sustainability.

Note: "Recommend" and "input" are intentionally used to differentiate variations in participation.

  • Recommendation: A recommendation carries the weight of the constituent group making it, is more formal in nature, and may have statutory/legal ramifications.
  • Input: Input is any information that may influence a decision.

Standing committees, governance bodies, employee organizations, and operational groups have options to communicate through college council or directly to the president, flowchart.

11/06/10: Previous Version Approved

10/16/15: Previous Version Reviewed and Revised by College Council

05/01/24: Current Version Approved by Academic Senate

05/03/24: Current Version Approved by College Council