Student Spotlight: Michelle Stergiou

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
By Deanna Rea
Michelle Stergiou, a full-time student and vocational nurse at Memorial Hospital, has had a unique academic journey, which has recently led her to Bakersfield College to expand her career in the nursing field. Her dedication to academics and personal success have made her a strong role model for other students.
Michelle first went to college in 2006 and earned an AA in Liberal Arts and Vocational Nursing. Her passion for nursing, and the discovery of a new program, prompted her to continue her education in 2023. She explains, “I always had a nurturing behavior; [I] just always wanted to take care of people, and I always put other people first - so I looked into nursing.” When asked what led her to BC, she says, “Being an employee at hospitals and talking to previous [BC] alums, they would always talk highly of the nursing program. BC was always number one.”
Her experience in the nursing program so far has been an extremely positive one. Despite the initial fear of the unknown, Michelle was able to find a supportive community of women within the program. Thanks to her previous experiences in clinical nursing, she is able to assist her CTA and guide fellow students in clinical experiences, such as advancing critical thinking, navigating nursing diagnoses, and administering foleys or IVs.
Her favorite part about Bakersfield College is the commitment to growing and evolving, as exemplified by the nursing program. The program strives to offer state-of-the-art training, while constantly improving technological resources and outreach strategies to enhance the experience of its diverse community of students. This is why Michelle says that she would recommend Bakersfield College, especially to anyone who wishes to pursue a career in nursing.
Michelle will graduate from Bakersfield College this month with an AA in Registered Nursing. After graduation, she plans to pursue her bachelor's and master's degrees from an online university and pursue a career as a nurse practitioner or in teaching. When asked what advice she would give future nursing students, she says "Stay determined, be positive, and continue to overcome any obstacles that come your way."