Bakersfield College: Opening Day 2023

Thursday, August 17, 2023
The Bakersfield College Renegade Event Center was filled with a sea of red as faculty, staff, and administrators attended the annual opening day festivities on August 17, 2023. Acting President Steve Watkin addressed the crowd with a theme of “togetherness” and ensured this year would be a year of growth and prosperity for our students. Bakersfield College will celebrate its 110th Anniversary of serving students throughout Kern County and beyond. Over the course of the opening day ceremonies, there were many awards, performances, speakers, and more.
Rewards and recognitions began with announcing newly hired staff, faculty, and management. Next, Chris Glaser awarded Heather Skibinski with CSEA Member of the Year, and shared many heartfelt words and congratulations with the crowd. Two faculty members were also presented with distinguished awards: Susan Pinza was recognized with the Margaret Levinson Faculty Leadership Award and Kurt Klopstein received the Shirley Trembley Distinguished Teaching Award.
The BC Cheer squad pumped up the crowd and showcased their athletic abilities while flying through the air. Two BC students performed an original piece entitled “Renegade Knight.” The BC Chamber Singers, having freshly returned from their European tour, enticed the audience with a beautiful performance of “Measure Me, Sky” showcasing their remarkable talent. Finally, the Ballet Folklórico Ritmo y Sabor student club also gave a stunning performance filled with vibrant colors, honoring their cultural traditions.
Many speakers shared words of enthusiasm, hope, and excitement for the coming year. Go, Renegades!