Bakersfield College Project HireUp and CityServe Educational Collaborative Center Announce Their Graduation

Thursday, March 16, 2023
CityServe Educational Collaborative and Bakersfield College Project HireUp, along with collaborative partners, announce their graduation for the graduating students participating in Project HireUp - Homeless to a job. The goal of Project HireUp is to decrease homelessness in Kern County through a creative and innovative partnership that supports students who are currently experiencing housing insecurity in continuing their education and securing employment.
The program was intentionally created with 3 major components woven into the design: personal education and career development. The goal is to create pathways to self-sufficiency. By utilizing this design as its framework, some of our community's most vulnerable have the opportunity to go from homeless to a job within 6 months. When we lift up those facing homelessness and empower them to own their journey, we see incredible outcomes. Individual lives are changed, families are reunited, and communities are made stronger.
“After experiencing homelessness, I decided to change my life and go back to school. The CityServe Educational Collaborative courses along with BC Project HireUP have given me confidence in myself and interview and office skills that I can take into the workforce. I am thankful and excited to continue pursuing my dreams of finishing my nursing degree with the help of CityServe and BC.” - Sierra Demmin, Graduate of CityServe Educational Collaborative and BC Project HireUp.
The Graduation Ceremony will take place Thursday, March 23, from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM at the Summit Coffee Shop at 7100 Auburn Street