BC Jazz Combo Releases Album "Quarantine Blues"

Friday, June 26, 2020
The Quarantine Sessions
Bakersfield College Jazz Combos
Kris Tiner, Director
"In March of 2020, as the global pandemic became a reality and stay-at-home orders went into effect, we found ourselves unable to meet in person to rehearse or hold class as usual. All of our scheduled concerts, including our annual Jazz Day festival, were eventually canceled.
Classes continued to meet online using Zoom, but the limitations of that platform for playing together live were immediately obvious. Doing anything with the music we had been rehearsing for eight weeks was suddenly out of the question.
Instead, we began working on these digital collaborations. We used Zoom to chat and share ideas, Google Drive to share charts and files, cell phones and any home recording technology we could get our hands on to capture music that reflected the ups and downs of these strange days we were going through together.
Our goal was to let the times guide our creativity, and the result is this album.
Please enjoy, and purchase a copy if you have the means. All proceeds benefit the BC Jazz Studies program."
Listen to The Quarantine Sessions at the BC Jazz Studies Bandcamp Website.